Join Scotty, Amy, Tony and Midwest ultra legend Juli Aistars for 11 relatively curse-free junk miles while they discuss:
And much much more!
Join Scotty, Amy, Aaron and Tony for a Ten Mile run with special guest, guitar legend, trail yoda and Tshirt ninja Jake Burkhart!
The gang also check in via skype with:
Best Selling author Miska Shubaly (and brand new US citizen) about his soon to be released novel "I swear I'll Make It Up To you." Mishka wrote the novel "The Long Run" which set Scotty on a mission to run his first 50 mile race.
They also chat with Ultra Luna estrordinaire Tyler Tomasello about his attempt at the Fuego y Agua 100K and the Hidaway 100K which he race directs.
They also debate coolness, talk about upcoming races, Kat's Kudos, reviews, and a very special bonk phone message from a very special former host.
And much much more.
Join Scotty, Amy, Aaron, Tony and special guest Matt Mennacher for a ten mile run.
They talk to Jared Hazen about the sale of his Western States buckle and ask if he has anything else for sale in his closet.
7 Time Badwater finisher Tony Portera checks in before the Jackpot 100 and his plan to listen to Ten Junk Miles for the entire race, running NSNG and Vinnie Tortorich.
The gang discloses their fantasy pacers....suprising choices.
More Vegas stories.
Bernie Sanders, alienating the Far East, and much much more