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Ten Junk Miles

Dec 5, 2015

Join us for Episode 17 with Scott Kummer, Amy Briggs, Tony Silvestri and Aaron German
Special guest Liz Braun talks about her career in broadcasting, her first 100 mile race and being a Ghostbuster.
Skype guest Julio Salazar talks about the Break the Stigma Project, the Break the Stigma Podcast, his run across Minnesota and run across America.
The gang talk about Jesse Itzler’s book “Living with a SEAL: 31 Days Training with the Toughest Man on the Planet” which will be read and reviewed in a future show.
Scotty Kummer ran the World’s Longest Turkey Trot from Chicago to Milwaukee (95ish miles).
2Toms Blister Shield review.
Kat’s Kudos, Show Reviews, Story’s from the Fleet Feet Chicago days, and much much more.