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Ten Junk Miles

Jun 30, 2023

Join Scotty and Ultra Coach, Blogger, Runner and all around special lady Trena Kennedy for a second long run in which she reflects on what she's been up to the last few years and the circumstances that brought about her recent blog article called "Letting Go of Western States."  We also talk about the state of the sport...

Jun 26, 2023

Meet Nation Member Drew Steelman!!!

Thanks XO Skin:


Jun 23, 2023

Join Scotty, Kerri Maess, Bob Henne, Eddie Pedroza and returning guest Tammy Hellings to run ten junk miles and discuss....What Tammy's been up to, Orcas Island 100, Bob and Tammy's efforts at volunteering for Sugar Badger, Kerri's first 50 miler at Sugar Badger, UCAN, Dry Seats, and much much more!!!

This episode...

Jun 19, 2023

Meet Nation Member Todd Barker!!!



Jun 16, 2023

Join Scotty and former guest Andrea Kooiman for Ten Junk Miles in whichthey discuss her recent attempts at SAMO 100, Hardrock 100 and the Barkley Marathons.  Life.  Mortality.  Aging as a runner.  And much, much more!!!

Andrea's previous podcast on TJM: