Jan 31, 2019
Join Scotty, Adam, Siva, Rachel and Holly along with special guest Alex Bleiweiss as we discuss his life in running and all things related (and unrelated) while probably drinking a little too much Jameson. Plus: Packages, a new race that sounds like hell (Sandlot Marathon around a baseball diamond). We also discuss:...
Jan 24, 2019
This one has been a long time coming. Join Scotty and the elusive Scott Hoberg for a long one on one discussion about his life in running, winter endurance and a tale from the Iditerod Trail in Alaska that is just incredible. Scott is an incredible athlete and his story is a good word of caution to anyone pushing...
Jan 18, 2019
Join Scotty, Siva, Holly, Adam and special guest Mandi Florip to run ten junk miles discussing her life in running and all things Chicago Athlete Magazine. We deep dive on the nutritional value of breast milk (no thanks to Dr. Stephanie Violett) and it's many uses, talk about our 2019 race schedules, Siva signs up...
Jan 11, 2019
Join Scotty and Emily Jillete for a long run to discuss her first marathon in New York City From a charity challenge for a 5K she discovers the world of running, training, and the strange culture of the sport. In the process, Emily discovers the runner inside of her and it surprises and transforms her.
Jan 4, 2019
This is a very inappropriate episode. Truth be told, Scotty had a death in the family and the schedule got messed up, so we essentially put this together randomly, opened up mail and talked about Holly's Lou Garou and Siva's Tuscobia, with special guest Angela Freedman on her 60 miles with Siva! Thank you everyone...