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Ten Junk Miles

Mar 29, 2018


Join Scotty, Adam, Tony and Holly, with special guest Latoya Ramsey Swartz for ten junk miles in which they discuss her life in running, the determination it took to finish her first 100 mile race, Strava Shoutouts, DeadPool Checkins, a special visit from Mirna Valerie, and much much...

Mar 21, 2018

Join Scotty and John Fegyveresi, a finisher of VolState, HURT100, WSER, Badwater135 and, BARKLEY.  John is a fascinating guy that is a scientist who works in Antarctica and has had an incredible, interesting, amazing life in running!!


Brought to you in part by...

Mar 16, 2018

Join Scotty and his good friend Gina Fioroni (who’s name he finally gets right) for a Ten Mile run in which they discuss her life in running, their run across Texas together, their joint love and irritation of John Sharp, and much much more.  


This episode brought to you in part by HealthIQ.  To learn more and see...

Mar 8, 2018

Join Scotty, Holly, Adam and Tony for ten junk miles with Jeff Rock, who destroyed Scotty at the Arrowhead 135.  We talk about his life in running, winter ultras, take the Adam Quiz, and do a special call in to Josie Rozell who said "fuck it" and ran the Loveit 100 after it was cancelled.  TJMStrava Shoutouts,...

Mar 2, 2018

It doesn't get much better than this.  Scotty and Jamil Coury get comfy and go deep and long on Jamil's life and running, his path to becoming a race director, his running hopes and dreams and everything in between.  This is a discussion you won't want to meet.  When it's over you will feel like you know both of them a...